Find Industry Ready Type Beats For Your Mixtape, Album Or Single
Music Producer
Daniel Hartnett, the man behind Corporatethief Beats Website had been in this industry since 2010. He created it as a platform for up-and coming hip hop artists to promote themselves and gain exposure online through his site's blog posts about music marketing strategies that he'd learned over time while working with a number of artists online. One thing you should know about Daniel: Even though they might not be popular anymore (or never really were), all those experience certainly paid off when we needed them most during our early days of success!
Hip hop artists need a beat fast. With so many different types of music, they're constantly struggling to pick out their next hit track! Luckily we have over 300 type instrumental beats that you can lease and download now online at your convenience - just select what kind sounds cool with whatever style or expertise as an artist before downloading onto iTunes etc..
Type Beat's make this process much easier because these allow rappers & content creators alike find similar styles quickly enabling everyone involved. The search for that perfect beat is over. With so many different types of music, it can be hard to find your next hit track!
But luckily we have over 300 type instrumental beats available now online with just one click - no matter what kind sounds cool or how expertly you're familiarizing yourself in this field as an artist before downloading onto iTunes etc.. Type Beats make the process easier because they allow rappers & content creators alike to identify similar styles quickly enabling everyone involved.